Hoje, dia 1 de Abril, a Apple anunciou em Cupertino, Califórnia, que irá disponibilizar o iPhone primeiro na Europa, em 2 países, e só depois nos Estados Unidos da América.

Os países contemplados com o lançamento em primeira mão do terminal móvel da empresa da maçã são, quem diria, Portugal e Espanha (!!) e a Apple justifica este anúncio com os factos de que o mercado de redes móveis está muito mais desenvolvido na Europa, de que Portugal e Espanha são países relativemente pequenos e darão para prever a aceitação do iPhone no mercado (tipo cobaias… mas que pena), na Europa a Apple consegue obter a lincença de comerciaçização mais depressa e lembra também que foram os portugueses a inventar o conceito de telemóvel pré-pago.

Jobs revelou também que a versão europeia do iPhone será compatível com a popular era 3,5G. Este equipamento aparece no mercado no princípio de Maio (tá quase!) e o preço será anunciado então

Artigo completo:

CUPERTINO, California – April 1, 2007 – Aplle, Inc announced today
that the iPhone will be available first in Europe, and only later in
USA. The first two countries where iPhone will be introduced are
Spain and Portugal, quickly followed by most of the other European
“Europe has a much better communications infra-structure than the
US”, said Apple Inc CEO Streve Jobs. “Specifically, they were much
faster giving us permission to sell the phone, and the providers
showed much interest in selling iPhone to their clients, as they
believe it will be a winner”. Jobs justified the choice for Spain and
Portugal with their relative small size, and remembered that Portugal
invented the pre-paid mobile phone technology, and the portuguese
people integrated the cellular very well in their lifestyle.
Jobs revealed the european iPhone will work on the popular 3.5G
standard, and expects to start selling it by the beginning of May.
Pricing will be announced by then.
Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with
the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with
the Macintosh. Today, Apple continues to lead the industry in
innovation with its award-winning computers, OS X operating system
and iLife and professional applications. Apple is also spearheading
the digital media revolution with its iPod portable music and video
players and iTunes online store, and will enter the mobile phone
market this year with its revolutionary iPhone.

Anúncio a 1 de Abril. Resta saber se não é mentira…

Fonte: Mailling List ‘O Correio dos Outros’



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